SCR1 Bullying Report & Policy

SCR1 is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment free of any form of bullying or intimidation. All students at SCR1 should feel safe to come to school!

Bullying is when one or more people repeatedly harm, harass or intimidate others. Bullying is unfair (an imbalance of power) and one sided.

We are providing an anonymous reporting form as a way to proactively assist our students while keeping them comfortable and free from worry of retribution of their reports. Please fill out a report and it will be delivered to the appropriate personnel at the school. Thank you for taking the first step in making our schools safer for every student.

3 Things for Students to Look For:

  • Happens Repeatedly

  • Harm, Harassment, or Intimidation

  • Always One Sided & Unfair

We want our students and parents to feel safe about making a report. Please rest assured your report will be 100% anonymous and will be investigated.